Hello my friends!!!!

This is something I give to every customer for specific products and will continue to but I figured having a pinned page about it wouldn’t hurt to answer questions anyone may have.

YESSSS EPOXY IS ABSOLUTELY TOXIC!!! When using an ashtray by NOO means should you leave ANYTHING BURNING on it! It can melt/welt it. This CAN/WILL release the toxic fumes that are in epoxy. (Also you’ll ruin your super pretty piece and who wants that?! )

So ash away, and even a quick put out, good to go! (Don’t relight it) You can even put a coin in your ashtray as something to put the butt out on for extra precaution! But please please never burn anything on it/in it!

This goes for candleholders as well!

LED/no flame candles look PHENOMENAL in my pieces. And for the exact reasons above safer!

If you have anymore questions feel free to email me!